Department of Mathematical Sciences
Binghamton University

Math 330: Number Systems

Section 3, Zaslavsky

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Test Coverage; Test and Project Grade Guidelines

Midterm Test (Thurs., Oct. 20 Mon., Oct. 24)

The midterm will cover Chapter 1 through Section 6.2 (HW 1-18).

The format will be open-book, open-notes: you can have your textbook and notes, but no electronic devices (obviously?!). There will be some questions everyone should answer and some questions you can choose from. (For instance, there might be 2 required questions and 5 other questions of which you choose 3 to answer—these may or may not be the actual numbers.) Grading guidelines:

 	A       B       C       D       F
	86-100	69-85	52-68	47-52	0-46

Final Exam (Tues., Dec. 13)

The final exam will cover the entire course. That is Chapters 1-6, 8-11, and 13 except Sect. 13.5.

Grading guidelines:

 	A       B       C       D       F
	80-120	61-79	43-60	38-42	0-37
I gave 10 points per problem in part I, for 60 points, and 30 points per solution in part II, for 60 points. That's not what it said on the final exam itself; this is a better allocation of points.


The project has Part I (verify validity or invalidity of your operations; 30 pts.) and Part II (a) identity element (10 pts.), (b) cancellation (10 pts.), (c) inverses (10 pts.): total of 60 points, which will be converted to 15% of the final grade (the same as the midterm exam).

 	A       B       C       D       F
	32-60	22-31	12-21	10-11	0-9
Anyone who did the entire project gets a big boost in grade; that is intentional.


Quiz 1 (10/19). Negate the following statement:

Jan plays the trumpet if and only if Joe organizes a parade.

Solution (to appear).

Quiz 2 (11/10). The quiz concerns sets X = {1,2,3,4} and Y = {1,2,...,16} and the function f: A → Y defined by f(x) = x2.

  1. Is f injective?
  2. Is f surjective?
  3. Is f bijective?

Solution: Yes, no, no.

Quiz 3 (11/10). The quiz concerns the function f from Quiz 2.

  1. Find a left inverse of f.
  2. Find a right inverse of f.
  3. Find a two-sided inverse of f.

(a) g(y) = √y if y = 1, 4, 9, 16 and = 10 (or any values) otherwise.
(b) None.
(c) None.

Mathematical Language

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Additions and Corrections to the Textbook

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

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Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 13

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