Math 330: Number Systems
Term Project
Section 3, Zaslavsky
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Term Project Rules and Description
- The project is entirely your own work. Don't collaborate on it with anyone else. You may ask me questions, but I don't promise to answer them – it depends.
- The project involves reading, understanding, and answering questions related to Chapters 1-6.
- You will answer, as best you can, a series of questions about the topic.
- There are no rewrites on the project.
- The project is 15% of the grade.
The due date is the last day of class, Friday, December 9, at 4:30 p.m. the review session, Sunday 2:00-4:00, or up till 6:00 (you can slide the project under my door).
Term Project Details
(This is a revised statement of the same project as before.)
- Consider the set of integers, Z. A binary operation ⊗ on Z is called a "pseudo-multiplication" if it satisfies all of the three properties:
- ⊗ is commutative: m ⊗ n = n ⊗ m,
- ⊗ is associative: (m ⊗ n) ⊗ p = m ⊗ (n ⊗ p), and
- ⊗ is distributive over + (the usual addition of integers): m ⊗ (n + p) = m ⊗ n + m ⊗ p.
Find all possible pseudo-multiplication operations ⊗ on Z.
For each operation you find, of course you should prove it has the three properties so it really is a pseudo-multiplication.
If you don't find all, still find as many as you can.
- Suggestions for how to get started. (These are not part of the required project.) The suggestions in part C here are important suggestions. The others are just miscellaneous suggestions.
- You may use anything you know about Z, including the usual operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Do not give detailed justifications of all algebraic steps; use algebra freely.
- Look at examples. Make up a binary operation and test it to see if it satisfies the three properties.
- For instance, here is a random selection of possible binary operations:
- m ⊗ n := m·n + 3, or
- m ⊗ n := m2n-1, or
- m ⊗ := n·√m if m is a perfect square, and n+m2 if it isn't. (This shows that any rule that defines a binary operation on the integers, no matter how complicated, is fair game to think about. I don't mean I'm recommending such rules.)
- Try a variation on a known example. You know one example: Ordinary multiplication, ·.
- Look for patterns in your examples!
If it doesn't satisfy the properties, it may suggest what not to try. If it does, it may suggest what to try.
- Use the properties i-iii, just as you used Axioms 1.1-5 with ordinary multiplication, to answer questions like these:
- How is 1 ⊗ 1 related to 2 ⊗ 1 in a pseudo-multiplication?
- What can you say about the value of 0 ⊗ 1?
- How does (2·m) ⊗ k compare with m ⊗ k? (· is ordinary multiplication.)
- For each pseudo-multiplication you found: (These are part of the required project.)
- Does it have an identity element?
- Does it have the cancellation property?
- Find all integers that have pseudo-multiplicative inverses.
Main class page | Schedule and homework | Announcements | Term Project | Syllabus