The method of proof of Theorem 10.25 can be used to prove
- Theorem 10.25A. Every real number r such that r > 1 has a square root, by which we mean a real number s such that s2 = r.
A different proof is needed for
- Theorem 10.25B. Every real number r such that 0 < r < 1 has a square root, by which we mean a real number s such that s2 = r.
Problem 10.25C. Prove Theorem 10.25B, assuming that Theorem 10.25A has already been proved.
(Late correction.) The following is wrong: (N.B. These should be numbered 10.26A, 10.26B, 10.26C instead of 25, as they belong logically after Theorem 10.26.) The following is correct: They cannot be proved using 10.26. They are the proof of 10.26.