Department of Mathematical Sciences
Binghamton University

Math 330: Number Systems
Class Schedule and Assignments

Section 5, Zaslavsky · Fall 2021

Main class page | Schedule and homework | Announcements | Advice | Term Project | Syllabus

Homework and Rewrites

Early homework is always accepted. You can leave homework in the collection envelope on my office door at any hour.

Papers for the same assignment must be stapled (bending a corner is not secure); if not, I will not grade the papers. Every different assignment must be written on separate papers; if not, I will only grade one assignment.

Rewrites can be handed in at any time within the time limit. The time limit is normally 3 weeks (adjusted for slow grading) but towards the end of term it will be less than 3 weeks.


§ means "section". ¶ means "paragraph".

* denotes a problem that will not be graded. I will record that you submitted it.
No.Date dueReadingsTo do (hand in)     RemarksFinal
W 8/25W-F: We discuss basic logic and fundamental properties of the integers, from which many others can be proved!
0.F 8/27Notes for Students
& Instructors.
§1.1 to Prop. 1.14
Prove Prop. 1.7.F 10/1
1.M 8/30P. 7 bottom: DivisibilityProve Props. 1.8, 1.12.Quiz 1F 10/1
2. W 9/1 Finish Ch. 1. Prove Props. 1.14, 1.16, 1.27(ii).F 10/1TBA
*3. F 9/10 (revised date)§§2.1-2. Prove Prop. 1.17, Cor. 1.21,
Props. 1.27(iv), 2.3.
In §2.2, focus on definition and basic properties of >, ≥. TBA
4. M 9/13 (revised date)§§2.2-3. Prove Props. 1.24, 2.14(ii). Class will focus on §2.3.
Quiz 2 on Ch. 1.
M 10/11
5. W 9/15 §§2.3-4. Prove Prop. 2.5. Class will focus on §2.4. W 10/13
F 9/17 §2.4. Class will focus on §2.4.
M 9/20 Ch. 3. Logic! Sets!
6.W 9/22 Ch. 3. Prove Props. 2.18(ii), 2.33. M 10/25
7. M 9/27 §4.1. Do Projects 3.1, 3.7(i,vi). M 10/25
8. W 9/29 §4.2. Prove Props. 2.21, 4.5.
Do Projects 3.2, 3.7(ii,v).
Induction! Logic! Recursion! M 10/25
9. F 10/1 §§4.3-5. Prove Props. 2.23, 4.6(i). M 10/25
10. M 10/4 §4.6.Do Project 4.3. Prove Props. 2.34, 4.7(i). M 10/25
11. W 10/6 Ch. 5.Do Project 5.3. Reminder: Read the advice page for additions to the book and advice on solving problems.F 10/29
12. F 10/8 §6.1. Prove Props. 5.14, 5.20. F 10/29
13. M 10/11 §6.2. Do Project 5-A. Prove Prop. 6.5. M 11/1
14. W 10/13 §6.3. Prove Props. 6.6, 6.15.
Do Project 2.35 for (4,6), (−4,10); Project 5.16.
Quiz 3, probably on induction and equivalence relations. W 11/3
15. M 10/18 Prove Props. 6.16, 6.19.
Do Projects 5.21, 6.7.
M 11/8
16. W 10/20 Prove Props. 6.20, 6.25.
Do Project 6.8.
W 11/10
F 10/22 Catch up. Class will focus on §6.3 with mention of §6.4.
Quiz 4, probably.
M 10/25 §6.4. Catch up. Review, on Ch. 1-5 and §§6.1-3.
W 10/27 Midterm exam on Ch. 1-5 and §§6.1-3.
F 10/29 §6.4, especially 6.29 and proof.
18. M 11/1 §§8.1-3. Prove Props. 6.31, 8.6, 8.40. See Proposition 8.25A; it's useful.
Most of §§8.1-3 is familiar, but not §8.4.
W 11/3 §8.4. (Posted retroactively.)
F 11/5 §9.1. Catch up. Deadlines approach; others will appear soon. Study Ch. 9 carefully. It has a lot in few pages.
19. M 11/8 Prove Props. 8.47 and 8.50. Do Projects 9.3 and *9.4.
20. W 11/10 Ch. 9. Do Project *9.9. Prove Props. 9.11, 9.15.
F 11/12
M 11/15 §§10.1-4. Retroactive reading, with apology (I forgot to post it on the weekend).
21. W 11/17 Prove Props. 10.10(ii), 10.13(ii), 10.14.
22. F 11/19 §10.5. Do Project 9.13. Prove Props. 9.19, 10.27.
M 11/22 §§11.1-2.
23. M 11/29 §11.3. Prove Props. 11.2 (completed), 11.4.
Do Problem 10.25C.
See the notes on Ch. 11.
24. W 12/1 §§13.1-2. Prove *Theorem 11.8, Prop. 11.13. See the notes on Ch. 13.
25. F 12/3 §13.3. Prove Props. 13.1, 13.13, 13.18. Some of these proofs are quite short.
26. M 12/6 §13.4. Prove Prop. 13.23, Thm. 13.25. See correction to 13.25.
27. W 12/8 Prove Prop. 13.32.
F 12/10 §13.5. Discussion and review.

W 12/15Review session2:00-3:30 in WH-309(for our class)
M-Th Office hours M afternoon (my office, about 1:00-3:15)
Tu afternoon/evening (Hilton Room in WH)
W, Th afternoon (my office)
To return and collect homework and project.
F 12/17 FINAL EXAM10:25-12:25 in WH-100B. The final exam covers all the material of the course.
It will slightly emphasize Ch. 8-13.
Sat 12/18All homework and the project. Absolute deadline
1:00 p.m.
at my office.
You can leave papers in the envelope on my office door at any time.

Main class page | Schedule and homework | Announcements | Advice | Term Project | Syllabus