The midterm covers Chapters 1 - 6 except §6.4. The format is open-book: you can have your textbook, but no notes and no electronic devices. Grading guidelines:
A B C D F 75-100 60-74 45-59 40-44 0-39Midterm test and solutions.
The final exam covers the entire course, with some emphasis on the second half (Chapters 8 - 13, excluding 12).
The format is open-book partly closed-book and partly open-book (you can have your physical textbook, but no notes and no electronic devices).
Grading guidelines:
A B C D F 130-180 105-129 80-104 75-79 0-74
A B C D F 36-40 28-35 18-27 10-17 0-9
Homework total grading guidelines for your mean score per problem (out of 105 problems!):
A B C D F 4.76-6.00 4.04-4.75 3.33-4.04 3.05-3.32 0.00-3.04Your total homework score is 105×(your mean). Each problem was worth up to 6 points, with ±.3 for +/− (as in B+):
A B C D F - X 6 5 4 2 1 mean 0− means there was no grade assigned; this is for problems that were left in the red-line status. I assigned each such problem your mean problem grade.
The total for homework was scaled to 53% of the course grade.
The quizzes were worth 2% of the course grade.