This test covers HW I–V: everything we've done so far in the book (that's up to Section 2.2, inclusive) and the class. The guidelines for the grades are:
A B C D F 87-100 66-86 48-65 43-47 0-42
A B C D F 82-100 63-81 44-62 40-43 0-39The points per problem are
1: 1 2: 10 3G: 15 (5+2+8) 3H: 15 (4+3+8) 4: 10 5: 15 (10+5) 6: 12 7: 12 8: 10
A B C D F 78-100 60-77 42-59 38-41 0-37
Here is a solution sheet (complete) with discussion of the grading.
The guidelines for the grades are:
A B C D F 112-150 82-111 52-81 45-51 0-44
Quiz 2 (April 29): Takehome quiz, due Mon. 5/2.
It will not be graded. You should do your best and bring in your solved quiz on Monday.
Quiz 2 (May 2):
It is not graded; it's for discussion after the quiz.
The size of a graph is the number of edges, |E(G)|.
G and H are isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism. They are not isomorphic if no isomorphism exists.
One kind of isomorphism is especially interesting. An automorphism of a graph G is an isomorphism of G with itself. Every graph has at least one automorphism, the identity automorphism, which is the identity function from V to V. Some graphs have no other automorphisms. Other graphs have many automorphisms. See the automorphisms handout (pdf).
A disconnecting set in G is a set of edges whose removal leaves a disconnected graph.
In a graph G, take two nonadjacent vertices v and w. Then κ(v,w), the connectivity between v and w, is the smallest number of vertices whose removal leaves v and w in different components.
In a graph G, take any two vertices v and w. Then λ(v,w), the edge connectivity between v and w, is the smallest number of edges whose removal leaves v and w in different components.
Now here is the problem: prove (or disprove) the following theorem.