Math 580A, Convex Polytopes
Fall 2012
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Chapter 0. Introduction and Examples. (Sept. 4 – 24.)
Read it for early September (see syllabus).
Chapter 1. Polytopes, Polyhedra, and Cones. (Sept. 28 – Oct. 22.)
Read Sects. 1.1–3 for the end of September and the beginning of October.
Read Sect. 1.4 for Oct. 10.
Read Sects. 1.5–6 for Oct. 15.
Chapter 2. Faces of Polytopes. (Oct. 24 – Nov. 14.)
Read Sects. 2.1– 2.3 for the end of October.
Finish the chapter for Nov. 14.
Chapter 6. Duality, Gale Diagrams, and Applications. (Nov. 12 – Dec. 10.)
Read Sects. 6.1–2 for Nov. 14–16. Note (if you're in the matroid seminar) that this is matroid theory!
Read Sect. 6.3 for Nov. 19.
Read Sects. 6.4, 6.5(intro)&(a) for Dec. 7.
Chapter 7. Fans, Arrangements, Zonotopes, and Tilings (Dec. 12 – 17)
Recommended readings: TBA.
Homework Exercises
After the initial submission, improved rewrites are expected. If you miss the deadline entirely, I still expect "improved rewrites", i.e., late submissions; there will normally be a slight deduction due to lateness. However, there are final deadlines, as I don't want piles of papers submitted at the last minute, and you shouldn't, either (that's today's moral).
I've marked certain problems as obligatory† (the dagger marks them). Those are a minimum list. I expect to see more than the minimum list. An A requires significantly more than the minimum list.
- First submissions due Sept. 19: Additional Exercise I.
- First submissions due Mon., Oct. 1: Additional Exercise II†.
- First submissions due Mon., Oct. 1: Exercises 0.0†, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6.
- First submissions due Mon., Oct. 15: Exercises 1.0, 1.1(a,b), 1.2.
And catch up on previous work!
- First submissions due Fri., Oct. 19: Exercises 0.7†, 0.8†, and Additional Exercises III, IV†, V.
- First submissions due Wed., Nov. 28: Exercises 1.4†, 2.0, 2.2†, and Additional Exercise VII, VII(c)†, VIII†.
- First submissions due Fri., Dec. 7: Exercises 1.5†, 2.7†.
- First submissions due Mon., Dec. 10: Exercises 2.3, 2.12†, 2.14†, 6.3†.
- First submissions due Fri., Dec. 14: Exercises 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5(a,b,c)†, 6.8†, 6.13, 6.14.
- First submissions due January: Exercise 7.10.
- Sets 1–3 preliminary final rewrites are due Fri., Nov. 16. Final rewrites must reach me Mon., Nov. 26.
- Set 4 preliminary final rewrites are due Mon., Nov. 26. Final rewrites due Fri., Nov. 30.
- Sets 5–6 final rewrites are due Wed., Dec. 12.
- Later sets: Final deadline will be
Friday, January 11 Wednesday, January 16 (at midnight) – changed due to my tardiness returning papers.
Additional Exercises
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