Math 580A, Convex Polytopes
Fall 2012
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Lectures on Polytopes, 3rd edition, by Günter Ziegler.
These "months" will not be exactly a calendar month.
- First "Month":
Chapter 0. Introduction and Examples.
- Affine vs. linear (vector) geometry.
- Intuitive discussion of convex polytopes and polyhedra. Types of polytopes.
- Cyclic polytopes.
- The permutahedron, and the acyclotope of a graph.
(The acyclotope is not in the book; I've written notes on the acyclotope [incomplete].)
- Combinatorial polytopes: 0/1 polytopes. Linear programming.
- Reading: Whatever else is in the chapter.
- Second "Month":
Chapter 1. Polytopes, Polyhedra, and Cones.
- H-polyhedra vs. V-polyhedra.
- Fourier-Motzkin elimination.
- The Farkas lemmata.
- Recession cone.
- Carathéodory's theorem.
- Third "Month":
Chapter 2. Faces of Polytopes.
- Faces.
- The face lattice.
- Polar duality.
- Simple vs. simplicial polytopes (reading).
- Projective transformations (reading).
- Fourth "Month":
Chapter 6 (partial). Duality, Gale Diagrams, and Applications.
- Gale transforms and Gale diagrams.
- Signed dependencies and signed circuits; signed separations and signed cocircuits; cycles and cocycles.
- Oriented matroids.
- Duality of matroids vs. Gale transforms.
- Fifth "Month":
Chapter 7 (selections). Fans, Arrangements [of Hyperplanes], Zonotopes, and Tilings.
The treatment does not follow the book closely.
- Zonotopes, arrangements of hyperplanes, and their dual relationship.
- Acyclic orientations, vertices, and regions.
- The number of acyclic orientations, vertices, and regions.
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