5/13/2023 |
Your letter grade is computed according to the Spreadsheet
That link can also be found on the course materials page.
You can figure out what that grade will be according to the following explanations:
•QSum = sum of all 12 quizzes
•QuizAdj = sum of best 10 quizzes
User Charlie loses zero because two lowest quizzes = 0 + 0 = 0
User Delta loses 10 because two lowest quizzes = 5 + 5 = 10
User India loses 20 because two lowest quizzes = 10 + 10 = 20
•HwSum = sum of all 5 graded HW
•HwAdj = sum of best 4 graded HW
User Charlie loses 20 because lowest HW = 20
User Frances loses zero because lowest HW = 0
User Hotel loses 5 because lowest HW = 5
•TotSum = sum of attendance + all major exams + all 12 quizzes + all 5 graded HW
•TotAdj = sum of attendance + all major exams + best 10 quizzes + best 4 graded HW
User Golf: Both figures are the same because zero points were lost on both quizzes and HW
User Frances: 10 points were subtracted because 5 + 5 points were lost on the lowest two quizzes.
•Add-5: Boosts your score by 5 points. Explained further in item b below.
•Grade: The letter grade you would have gotten if I had applied the grading scale
displayed in the "Your Grade" section near the end of the syllabus to the points total
in the TotAdj column of the spreadsheet. Instead:
•Grade+5: This will be your letter grade!
It results from applying the grading scale
displayed in the "Your Grade" section near the end of the syllabus to the points total
in the TotAdj column of the spreadsheet.
Examples: •
If your TotAdj score is 690, then your Add5 score is 695,
and you will receive a B.
If your TotAdj score is 695, then your Add5 score is 700,
and you will receive a B+ rather than a B.
You can compute your letter grade as follows:
Take one of the users, say, "Your data!!", and overwrite the columns G
(attendance) through AB (Hw E) with your BS data.
The spreadsheet will compute the other columns, including Grade+5, for you.
If you skipped a quiz or homework, do not leave the entyry blank,
and ENTER ZERO instead.
Otherwise, Excel will not correctly drop the lowest HW and or quizzes.
Instead of a curve:
As I have explained in part a above,
I have given everyone of you 5 additional points.
This ensures that nobody missed the next better grade by five or less points.
Accordingly, I am not open to discussions about improving your grade
because you only need two or three extra points.
You can find the anonymous grades for the final on the grades page.
It was my privilege to be your instructor.
I hope that the grade you obtained is what you were looking for,
and I wish you all a wonderful semester break, and all the best for your future
-- Michael Fochler --
5/2/2023 |
Review sessions:
I will hold review sessions during today's and tomorrow's lectures.
UTS review sessions: (end times were not specified)
Cadence Masino:
5/7 at 3:05 pm in Classroom Wing 202
John Ferrara:
5/8 at 1:45pm in CW 206
4/28/2023 |
Today (Fri, April 28) and on Monday I will lecture about Ch.24 and 26.
None of that material will be on the final exam,
but note that attendance #6 will be taken on one of those two days.
On Tuesday(!) and Wednesday of next week I will hold review sessions for the final exam.
The remaining announcements concern the
Final exam on Tue May 09, 2023, 12:50 PM - 02:50 PM at LH 1:
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
The exams are labeled and you will incur a 30 points penalty
if you work on another person's exam.
Approach your TA if you cannot locate your seat.
If we switched you from another section,
check that one, too for your exam!
I have published the
cover sheet of the final exam.
You can also find the link on the Course material page.
It shows the instructions you will see on this semester's final exam.
There are differences to the instructions for the midterms, so
Read them NOW!
Pencils are allowed.
Don't forget that the exam will be in LH 1, not in LH 8, and that you are
entitled to bring a 5 x 8 inches index card. Review the syllabus!
Scope of the final exam: Review the
Finals prep sheet
to understand what material will NOT be on the final exam.
You can also find this link on the Course material page.
4/20/2023 |
The anonymous grades for the third midterm have been posted to the
course materials page.
HW 13 has been posted. Due next week according to TA rules.
Note that ONLY the ch.9 and ch.23 assignments of this HW will be graded.
The ch.25 assignments will NOT be graded,
but note that ANOVA will be on the final!
If you have three or more final exams within a 24 hr period
and you want to request to take the alternate final,
then you must do so by Monday, April 24,
by sending an email to me and your TA.
The date of the makeup final will be Thu May 11, the last day of the exams.
Time TBD.
4/14/2023 |
Exam 3 on Mon 4/17/2023:
Scope is ch.17-ch.22. For details of what topics will be omitted,
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.17-ch.22).
The exam will start at 12:05 PM and end at 1:00 PM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Please carry your backpack in your hand, so it will take less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Sat Apr 15, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and get an official letter from your coach.
Do not ask for a makeup exam unless you are unable to attend the regular one,
as it will be somewhat harder than the original exam.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it!
Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
We had a student without a calculator during midterm 1!
SSD letter students: Each one of you whom I have on file will have received a
testing center notification by now.
If you have time and a half, ou will start the exam at the testing center on
the day of the exam at a time of your choosing between 11:30 AM and 12:00 PM.
I have published the actual instructions for midterm 1 on the course materials page.
They also are in force for this exam.
Click on the
Midterm cover sheet
link so you clearly understand what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
4/2/2023 |
HW 12 has been posted. Due after the break according to TA rules.
4/1/2023 |
The anonymous grades for the second midterm have been posted to the
course materials page.
Scope for midterm 3 will be ch.17-ch.22.
3/22/2023 |
The anonymous grades for the second midterm have been posted to the
course materials page.
Scope for midterm 3 will be ch.17-ch.22.
3/17/2023 |
I have posted HW 10.
3/10/2023 |
I have posted HW 9.
It NOT be collected for grading.
All problems chosen are ODD NUMBERED, so you have the solutions available.
I had expected that the upcoming midterm would be graded in time
for you to know them before the withdrawal deadline
(Friday afternoon, Mar 17).
Unfortunately your TAs will not be able to do the grading early enough
to meet that date.
3/7/2023 |
Exam 2 on Mon 3/13/2023:
Scope is ch.10-ch.16. For details of what topics will be omitted,
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.10-ch.16).
The exam will start at 12:05 PM and end at 1:00 PM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Please carry your backpack in your hand, so it will take less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Thu mar 9, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and get an official letter from your coach.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it!
Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
We had a student without a calculator during midterm 1!
SSD letter students: Each one of you whom I have on file will receive a
testing center notification within the next few days.
If you have time and a half, ou will start the exam at the testing center on
the day of the exam at a time of your choosing between 11:30 AM and 12:00 PM.
I have published the actual instructions for midterm 1 on the course materials page.
They also are in force for this exam.
Click on the
Midterm cover sheet
link so you clearly understand what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
3/6/2023 |
I have posted HW 8.
It NOT be collected for grading.
All problems chosen are ODD NUMBERED, so you have the solutions available.
2/24/2023 |
I have posted HW 7.
It NOT be collected for grading.
All problems chosen are ODD NUMBERED, so you have the solutions available.
2/18/2023 |
The home page and the schedules page of the course website
have been updated with the new midterm dates.
2/18/2023 |
The anonymous midterm 1 grades have been posted to the grades page.
The dates for the second and third midterm have been changed as follows:
Midterm 2 on Mon 3/13/2023
Midterm 3 on Mon 4/17/2023
The original dates were Wed 3/15/2023 and Wed 4/19/2023.
The website will be updated tomorrow.
Reason for the change:
I do not want the midterms to take place between the Tuesday and Thursday section.
2/18/2023 |
The date of the final exam is Tue May 09, 2023 12:50 PM - 02:50 PM, LH 001.
If you have a conflict with another exam or you are entitled to take the alternate
exam because you have three finals within 24 hours, then you must
email your TA with me in the cc and provide documentation of the other exams
by Mon April 24.
2/15/2023 |
I have posted HW 6.
Due next week according to TA rules
2/10/2023 |
I have posted HW 5.
It NOT be collected for grading since next week is exam week.
All problems chosen are ODD NUMBERED, so you have the solutions available.
2/8/2023 |
Exam 1 on Wed 2/15/2023: (NOT on Feb 8!!)
Scope is ch.1-ch.8. For details of what topics will be omitted,
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.1-ch.8).
The exam will start at 12:05 PM and end at 1:00 PM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Please carry your backpack in your hand, so it will take less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Mon Feb 13, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and get an official letter from your coach.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it!
Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students: Each one of you whom I have on file has received a
testing center notification already.
If you have time and a half, ou will start the exam at the testing center on
the day of the exam at a time of your choosing between 11:30 AM and 12:00 PM.
I have published the actual instructions for the exam on the course materials page.
Click on the
Midterm cover sheet
link so you clearly understand what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
2/2/2023 |
I have posted HW 4.
Due next week according to TA rules.
I am ill and will not be able to come to class today.
Is there any way I could retake the quiz and turn in assignment 3 on a later date?
There are no excused absences for the first two quizzes
and the first graded homework you miss.
Instead, the worst two quiz scores and the worst homework score are discarded.
Starting with the third quiz and the second graded homework you miss,
you will be given a makeup, or your TA will count the next assignment double
if there is an excused absence.
Please review the syllabus and contact your TA if you have further questions.
1/26/2023 |
I have posted HW 3.
Due next week according to TA rules.
Remember that the add/drop deadline is Mon Jan 30!
Decide now what changes you might like to make to your schedule!
1/24/2023 |
I have fixed the syllabus entry in the instructor's BrightSpace.
It erroneously referred to the course site of Math 454 - Financial Mathematics,
the other course I am teaching this semester.
If you are/were trying to submit "Homework zero" about your math background,
you probably looked at that wrong website.
If you did, please
be sure to review the correct website for this course, to be found at
Sorry for the confusion.
1/23/2023 |
Since it starts at noon, Math 147B class will be held today in LH 8 as usual!
1/21/2023 |
I finished last Friday ch.2.3, but HW 2 covers material through ch.2.4 (Center).
This affects homework about medians and means of a histogram.
If you cannot handle those particular assignments yet then work on them after
Monday's lecture.
1/19/2023 |
I have posted HW 2.
Due next week according to TA rules.
1/16/2023 |
The home page now lists the discussion sections.
Note that changes are possible if a TA has a scheduling conflict.
1/14/2023 |
The Topics column in the schedule page has been updated.
1/13/2023 |
Exam dates have been set and the schedule and home pages have been updated accordingly.
10/30/2022 |
Prospective Spring 2023 students: Be sure to look at all tabs of this website!
This may help you understand how well this course will suit you.
Review Homework 1 (from Fall 2022) NOW! It will help you understand whether
you need to do some self-study as far as the math is concerned!