12/14/2023 |
The final exams are graded and available on BS and the anon grades page.
I have also attached the anon grades spreadsheet:
It contains your letter grades and you can explore the formulas I used to see how
they have been computed.
HW scaling to 200 is based on 10 minus 2 = 8 homeworks (since two were discarded)
Quiz scaling to 200 is based on 15 minus 3 = 12 quizzes (since three were discarded)
I have added a flat 40 points to everyone's score. Consider that your curved grade.
I have added an extra 5 points so that nobody will think they missed that next letter
grade by only one point.
You will lack at least SIX points!
Accordingly, don't try to bargain with me. You will not be successful!
I will migrate my course site intro my archive.
That should happen before Dec 20.
Once that is done, the link to its home page should be
Dr. Michael Fochler
12/13/2023 |
I did quite a bit of work from home last Sunday which never made it to the server.
Affected are the following web pages:
course materials (quiz solutions + formula sheet)
schedule (Topics?)
grades (quiz 15?)
I am still looking at the HW scores issue, but I think I understand what is going on:
My fault: When I updated my spreadsheet with the Cengage grades, I forgot to also
update the points possible for each HW assignment.
Their fault: Quite a few of you managed to get more than the max of 20
(after setting #2, 5, 6 to zero) on HW 12.
I will let those points stand.
Stay put for an email with the newest version of the spreadsheet!
Should be less than an hour!
12/11/2023 |
I have changed the points of HW12 #2 from 6 to zero,
since two of you complained that this assignment wants to pull in an app
that does not exist under the URL given.
12/7/2023 |
FINAL RELEASE 2023-12-07 of my lecture notes:
Only change from the 2023-12-06 release: Referencing some WMS examples
for the CLT
12/6/2023 |
New version 2023-12-06 of my lecture notes:
Additional material for Ch.10; Fixed error: Strong law of large numbers
Quiz 15 grades have been published
Reminder: Student comment forms + review session this Sat 10:00.
More on the CLT in Friday's lecture. That will be on the final!
12/4/2023 |
New version 2023-12-04 of my lecture notes:
Additional material for Ch.10 (Limit Theorems).
12/1/2023 |
New version 2023-12-01 of my lecture notes:
Started Ch.10 (Limit Theorems). That's WMS Ch.7.
Quiz 9 grades have been published.
11/30/2023 |
New version 2023-11-30 of my lecture notes
fixes errors in the stating of theorem 9.4
and corollaries 9.1 and 9.2.
11/28/2023 |
New WebAssign HW Math-447-2023-08-HW-12, due Sun Dec 10.
Finals review session by MF on Sat Dec 9, WH-329 @10:00 - 12:00.
Check with UTS Tutoring about their finals reviews!
Nov 27 was the deadline for requesting a makeup final.
No such requests have been received.
11/26/2023 |
There will be a quiz on Mon, Nov 26.
Two more will follow before the end of the semester
and those will NOT be ANNOUNCED.
An updated formula sheet for the final exam will be published as early as
this Wednesday.
11/25/2023 |
New WebAssign HW Math-447-2023-08-HW-11, due Mon Dec 4.
11/24/2023 |
New version 2023-11-24 of my lecture notes.
They now contain the material that corresponds to all of WMS Ch.6.
11/21/2023 |
Today's lecture will also be about Section 9.3
(The Method of Transformations in Multiple Dimension).
That's WMS Ch.6.6 (Multivariable Transformations Using Jacobians.
Quite a few of you seem to already have gone for the break.
Be very sure to study that material before next Monday's lecture.
It certainly will be on the final!
11/18/2023 |
New version 2023-11-18 of my lecture notes.
They now contain the material that corresponds to
WMS Ch.6.2 - 6.4 and ch.6.6.
Chapter 6.5 material will be added at a later date.
11/17/2023 |
I am trying to accommodate both those who want to leave early for Thanksgiving
and those who will have a Math 346 midterm directly after this class.
I will give a QUIZ TODAY, but not at the end of the class.
Rather, this will be about 15 minutes into the lecture, depending on what is
a good time to interrupt lecturing.
11/14/2023 |
I have published the midterm grades both on Brightspace and the grades page of my website.
Some welcome news: One of you noticed that two of the problems were about
joint random variables and not within the announced scope (nothing after WMS ch.4).
I have decided to give full credit to everyone for those problems.
That inflates your percentage. If you want to assess how well you were doing,
you should subtract 40 point from your grade and divide that by 150 - 40 = 110!
I cannot return the exams to you today (Wed 11/14), since there will be a makeup quiz
after lecture.
There will definitely be a quiz either this Friday or Monday next week
(Thanksgiving week).
New WebAssign HW Math-447-2023-08-HW-10, due Wed Nov 29.
11/13/2023 |
I have republished the formula sheet with the corrected variance for the
uniform distribution.
Please do not leave your bags in the class room until I have placed the exams
and ask you to come in.
I would appreciate though, if you could separate the tables beforehand like in
the first midterm.
Reminder: The exam starts at 11:45.
11/09/2023 |
ERROR in the last line of the formula sheet:
I had specified the wrong MGF for the gamma distribution.
That has been corrected now.
I also fixed some benign typos like missing a parenthesis.
There will be a quiz this Friday, Nov 10.
As promised, some of it will be relevant for Monday's midterm.
11/07/2023 |
I have published the solutions for quiz 10 at the bottom of the course materials page.
Start time for the Nov 13 exam will be 11:45. Duration is 60 minutes.
Scope: See the 10/23/2023 announcement.
Question from one of your peers:
..... I am just confused on the grading system for quizzes because
if there’s 20 quizzes which are mostly out of 20 points and three get dropped,
can you still receive all 200 points even if you don’t get a 20/20 on every one?
Answer: That's complicated:
It is not clear at this point in time
how many quizzes will be given during this course.
Probably 14 or 15.
Each one will count the same (20 points) for the following reason:
Otherwise, it would be too difficult and contentious to determine
the three grades to be discarded.
The following will happen at the end:
Let us assume that n quizzes have been given.
I will scale your points to 200
by multiplying everyone's score by C := 200 / (20 (n-3) ).
Why? Let us assume that n=15. Assune that someone missed 2 quizzes
and got full 20 points on the other 13.
Then, after discarding the worst 3 quizzes,
that student got 12 * 20 = 240 points on the remaining n-3=12 quizzes.
That's a perfect score and it will be scaled to C*240 = 240*(200/240) = 200 points
On the other hand, if the best 12 quizzes amount to 60 points,
those will be scaled to C*60 = 60*(200/240) = 50 points.
For homework, I'll do something similar.
11/06/2023 |
I have published the grades of quiz 10.
I intend to publish the solutions tomorrow or Thursday.
10/28/2023 |
I am communicating to you with great sadness that the student who was found dead
yesterday near the main library building was Natalia Malcevic,
one of the students in this class.
I have created
this document
It contains the Dateline announcement about Natalia's passing
and an email from Anna Jantz, a member of Harpur's CARE team.
The CARE team offers support to any student and staff member
who needs support when they are affected by traumatic events like this one.
midterm 2 date has been moved to Mon Nov 13
to give more time to those of you who have been emtionally impacted by Natalia's death.
The midterm was originally scheduled for Wed Nov 8.
The withdrawal deadline has been extended to Tue Nov 7.
Don't miss it if you intend to withdraw from this or any other course!
10/30/2023 |
New version 2023-10-29 of my lecture notes.
Chapter 8 (Corresponds to WMS Ch.5) is now finished.
10/28/2023 |
New WebAssign HW Math-447-2023-08-HW-07, due Mon Nov 6.
Relevant for the exam!
New WebAssign HW Math-447-2023-08-HW-08, due Mon Nov 13.
You are advised to work on all problems of this assignment,
since its problems also are relevant for the exam!
Reminder: The withdrawal deadline is Oct 31.
Don't miss it if you intend to withdraw from this or any other course!
10/27/2023 |
Quiz9 grades have been posted.
10/23/2023 |
New version 2023-10-26 of my lecture notes.
See course materials page.
10/23/2023 |
New version 2023-10-22 of my lecture notes.
See course materials page.
Updated formula sheet for the second midterm
can be found at the bottom of the course materials page.
Scope of the second midterm:
Focus on MF ch.6.3 - 7.8. (WMS ch.3.5 - 4.10)
10/21/2023 |
HW 7 with new reading assignments has been posted.
10/20/2023 |
New version 2023-10-20 of my lecture notes.
Lots of additions to chapter 7 (corresponds to WMS ch.4).
10/16/2023 |
Quizzes 7 and 8 grades have been posted.
10/16/2023 |
New version 2023-10-14 of my lecture notes.
Lots of additions to chapter 6 (corresponds to WMS ch.3).
9/28/2023 |
There will be a quiz this coming Monday, Oct 16.
Scope: WMS ch.3.7-3.9 and ch.3.11.
9/28/2023 |
A new WebAssign homework (Math-447-2023-08-HW-06) went live today.
It is due on Oct 27.
HW 6 has been posted. No written assignments.
It contains a HINT for one of the Math-447-2023-08-HW-06 problems!
10/07/2023 |
Midterm 1 grades have been posted to BS and the grades page.
9/30/2023 |
Quiz 6 grades have been posted to BS and the grades page.
I have updated the course site with the final exam date/time.
Makeup date has not yet been set, but it very likely will be Fri Dec 15
(last day of finals).
I am making an effort to update my lecture not with at least the definitions and
theorems of the WMS text.
That means that those chapters are subject to
continual changes until their material has been covered.
Accordingly, I have to renege on my promise
not to affect the references in my lecture notes
as far as those chapters are concerned.
Currently affected:
Ch6 (Discrete Random Variables and Random Items).
Quiz 6 solutions have been posted to the bottom of the course materials page.
HW5 (reading assignments only) has been posted.
9/29/2023 |
The formula sheet for exam 1 is now complete. See bottom of course materials page.
I have posted version 2023-09-29 of the MF lecture notes.
You should discard version 2023-09-27.
Quiz grades will not be available today.
9/28/2023 |
A new WebAssign homework (Math-447-2023-08-HW-05) went live yesterday.
It is due on Oct 11, a week after the midterm.
Note that the assignments cover material relevant for the midterm.
I have published a practice exam from Prof. Haines on the course materials page.
Ignore #6!
Don't freak out: the problems are much harder than what you must expect on
my midterm!
I have posted version 2023-09-27 of the MF lecture notes.
New chapter "Sample Problems for Exams".
has a detailed writeup of #2 of the practice exam.
Still working on the reference sheet for the midterm.
Might be sent as an email if I cannot complete it while at my office.
9/25/2023 |
Instructions for the first midterm can be found at the bottom of the
course materials page.
I have published HW 4. Written assignments will not be graded
(but they come with solutions in the WMS text).
9/24/2023 |
Scope of midterm 1 on Wed Oct 4:
MF ch. 1, 3 (ignore remarks 3.5, 3.6), 4
WMS ch. 2.2 - 2.12, ch. 3.1 - 3.4
Note that WMS ch.3.4 (binomial distribution) will be important for the exam.
Look at it once more (see HW3) before I get to talk about it in lecture,
possibly not before Friday!!
Also very important:
Combinatorial analysis!
The Bayes rule!
Distribution of a random variable
No sigma algebras!
There will be a quiz either this Wednesday or Friday.
9/20/2023 |
I have scheduled the WebAssign homework Math-447-2023-08-HW-04.
Due: Wed 9/27, end-of-day.
Reminder: WebAssign homework Math-447-2023-08-HW-03.
is due TODAY, Wed 9/20, end-of-day.
Updated quiz 3 scores are posted to BS
and quiz 5 scores are posted to both BS and the anonymous grades page.
9/18/2023 |
I had made a typo in problem #2 of quiz 2 (preimages):
I had written Z(x) = (Z + 3)2
instead of Z(x) = (x + 3)2.
This seems to have confused some of you.
I will rectify the situation as follows.
I'll add a similar problem to quiz #5, so study preimages!
If you score better on that one than on quiz 3 then I'll adjust
your quiz 3 score accordingly.
The date of quiz 5 will be Wed Sep 20.
I'll collect your quiz 3 today and/or Wednesday.
Please put it on my desk when you enter the room.
If you wait until I give quiz 5, that's too late!
9/16/2023 |
I have posted version 2023-09-16 of the MF lecture notes.
New chapter on Combinatorial Analysis + many corrections.
9/13/2023 |
I have posted the quiz 4 grades to BS and the anonymous grades to my grades page.
By now some have reached their quota of 3 missed quizzes.
If you miss quizzes beyond that third one:
If you have a valid reason for your absence,
I will count a later quiz double for the one you missed. See syllabus.
If you are ill, no Dr's note is required; but you must have emailed me BEFORE
the start of EACH class you miss (or I will need that Dr's note).
9/11/2023 |
The following was emailed to you on Sun Sep 10.
I understand that you already have lost access if you did not pay up.
I remind you that 20% of your grade come from homework assignments which
will be graded by WebAssign, so you really have no choice in that matter!
I already have selected the exercises for the first graded assignment.
Expect this assignment to be scheduled rather shortly!
See my Sep2 announcement which alerted you to the access code issue.
Cengage communications:
Cengage letter 1
(They stated that "their temporary access ends on 8/24/2023".
I'll ask for the correct date.)
Cengage letter 2
9/9/2023 |
I have posted the quiz 3 grades to BS and the anonymous grades to my grades page.
9/7/2023 |
HW 3 has been published. No written assignments yet!
9/5/2023 |
Office hours for this week have been moved once more,
from Thu Sep 7, 10:00 - 11:30
to Thu Sep 7, 11:00 - 12:30
9/4/2023 |
Office hours for this week have been moved to Thu Sep 7, 10:00 - 11:30
There is a possibility that I will spend all of Tuesday's lecture on my material.
Be sure to review the 9/2 announcements b, c, e, f!
9/2/2023 |
I have posted the quiz 2 grades to BS and the anonymous grades to my grades page.
HW zero is due NOW, also for the newly registered students.
If you are among those who registered recently, approach me
before or after the Tue 9/5 lecture about missed quizzes.
This does not apply to students who were out sick.
I will definitely finish on Tuesday with my lecture notes and switch to the WMS text.
The Cengage access code I gave you the link to is about to expire
or may already have done so.
You have to follow the payment instructions given by Cengage to keep your access.
For any questions on this matter, please contact Cengage or the campus bookstore
(better, I think)
Reminder: The add/drop deadline is Tue Sep 5!
8/31/2023 |
I have posted the anonymous quiz 1 grades on the grades page of the MF course site.
All the material of MF ch.1 and ch.3.1-3.2 is fair game for quiz 2.
Be sure to understand the examples on preimages you find there.
8/28/2023 |
MF version 2023-08-27 has been published.
Had to remove some junk, so the indexing will be off, now!
Reminder that a Cengage link for WebAssign is on the course materials page!
8/24/2023 |
Written assignments were added to HW1.
HW2 has been published.
8/26/2023 |
About quiz #1 on Mon Aug 28:
I only lectured about ch.2.1 (Sets – The Basics), ch.2.2
(The Proper Use of Language in Mathematics: Any vs All, etc)
and ch.2.3 (Numbers), but the quiz will cover all of chapter 2.
Exception: You need not worry about the propositions, theorems and/or their proofs
if they are marked with the optional "*".
You need not recite definitions so marked
(but you may encounter a question that you cannot answer
if you do not understand such a definition).
I will cover the remaining material of ch.2 on Monday, before the quiz;
but it is better if you study it beforehand so you have time to digest it all.
8/24/2023 |
I have updated the course materials page with a link to the Cengage web site for
this course.
If you click it you can access the e-text and do homework which will be graded by WebAssign.
HW 1 has been published. No written assignments yet. None of its assignments
will be graded, so there will be nothing on WebAssign.
8/21/2023 |
Office hours for Tue 8/22 are moved to 12:30 - 2:00 PM.
BrightSpace and WebAssign still need work
There will be no graded homework
until all of this works perfectly.
I have to undergo some surgery for my eyes on Wed 8/30.
There will be a substitute lecturer.
It is not clear yet whether I will teach the Fri 9/1 lecture, but a quiz will be
given in any case.
I will make an effort to grade that quiz in time for the Tuesday lecture.
5/30/2023 |
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, August 23.
Don't miss it!
I will hold my first office hours on Tuesday, August 22.
Homework about your math background
(see "Homework zero" on the Homework page!)
is due by email on Friday, August 25.
Quizzes #1 and #2 will be administered on Monday, August 28
and on Friday, September 1.
Do not assume that future quizzes will be pre-announced!