Department of Mathematical Sciences
Binghamton University

Math 330: Number Systems

Section 01, Zaslavsky

Main class page | Schedule and homework | Additional homework and projects | Announcements | Term Project | Syllabus


Test Coverage and Grade Guidelines

Midterm Test (Tues., Oct. 27)

Grading guidelines:

 	A       B       C       D       F
	75-100	65-74	53-64	50-52	0-49

Individual problems: approximate guides:
1	9	7	5	3
2	14	11	8	7
3	13	12	8	6
4a	10	10	10	9
4b	10	10	10	10
5	5	0	0	0
6a	10	7	6	6
6b	5	3	1	1
7	10	10	10	10

Final Exam (Mon., Dec. 14)

Grading guidelines:

 	A       B       C       D       F
	125-150	95-124	65-94	58-64	0-57

Individual problems: approximate guides:
1	1	1	1	1
2a	2	2	1	0
2b	6	5	4	3
2c	5	4	2	1
2d	6	5	4	3
3	15	11	7	2
4	8	6	4	2
5	15	12	9	7
6	14	12	9	7
7	10	8	6	4
8	61	49	37	28


Grading guidelines:

 	A       B       C       D       F
	415-490	340-414	270-339	250-269	0-249
Each problem was worth a scale factor of 490/(162x11) times:
 	A       B       C       D       F	-	?
	11	9	6	3	1	0	4
A+ or A- is the same as A, etc.
? means there was no grade assigned; this is for problems that were left in the red-line status.
- means the problem was never handed in.
Explanation. The 490/(162x11) means that completely perfect homework would have had 1782 = (11 points) x (162 problems) total raw score, which has to be pro-rated out of the 490 points for homework. There were a total of 1000 course points: 490 for HW, 10 for quizzes, 150 for midterm, 200 for final, 150 for project.


Grading guidelines:

 	A       B       C       D       F
	8-10	6-7	4-5	3	0-2

Term Project

Grading guidelines:

 	A       B       C       D       F
	120-150	93-119	63-92	56-62	0-55
Each problem has a weight according to how important it is. The scoring is a bit complicated, but basically, using the homework point scale, you get full credit for a problem with an A, 9/11 credit for a B, etc.

More About Homework

How to Prepare Homework Papers

Please follow these easy rules to help me grade your work. Thanks!

How I Grade Homework

Mathematical Language

(Added late! 13 December 2009)

Additions and Corrections to the Textbook

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Main class page | Schedule and homework | Additional homework and projects | Announcements | Term Project | Syllabus

"Where shall I begin?" he asked. "Begin at the beginning," the King said, "and stop when you get to the end."
—Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland