Section 01, Zaslavsky
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How homework is graded.
An integer n is called even if it is divisible by 2, i.e., if there exists an integer k such that n = 2k.
- [Q] Is 0 even? Why or why not?
Prove the following statements:
- [A] If m and n are even then m+n and mn are even.
- [B] For any natural number n, n2+n is even.
- [C] For any natural number n, n is even or n+1 is even.
- [D] For any integer n, n is even or n+1 is even.
Suppose you have two integers m, n (not both 0). The greatest common divisor gcd(m,n) is defined as the largest integer that is a divisor of both m and n. Now define two sets of integers:
Sm,n := { mx+ny : x, y in Z }
Tm,n := { mx+ny : x, y in Z and mx+ny is positive }.
(That is, Tm,n consists of the positive integers in Sm,n.)
Theorem 2G. The smallest number in Tm,n is gcd(m,n).
We won't prove this, but there are some questions about it.
Added 9/28: You may not use Theorem 2G to solve these problems. Reasons: (a) We haven't proved that theorem. (b) It would be circular reasoning, since the proof of the theorem requires [A]. (c) I want you to study the actual sets and gcd's, and not just apply a general theorem. That's how you understand theorems: see how they work in examples.
- [A] Prove that Tm,n does contain a smallest number.
- [B] Let n be any positive integer. Find the set T0,n . Find the smallest positive integer in it. Is it gcd(0,n)? What is gcd(0,n), anyway?
- [C] Let n be any positive integer. What is gcd(1,n)? Find the set T1,n . Find the smallest positive integer in it. Is it gcd(1,n)?
- [D] We noticed in class that gcd(9,12)=3. Find T9,12 . Find the smallest positive integer in it. Is it gcd(9,12)?
Do the following problems.
- [U] Prove that any non-empty set of integers, bounded above, has a largest element.
- [V] In example 4.1, what is x20?
- [W] In example 4.2, if x1 = 23, what is x10?
- [X] Find a simple formula for ∑k=1n 1. Prove it using the definition (page 42).
- [Y] Prove propositions 4.4 & 4.6(i).
- [Z] Do project 4.8.
Do the following problems.
- [A] Prove propositions 4.6(ii) & 4.9(i).
- [B] Do project 4.7.
- [C] Prove that for any natural number k,
∑j=1k 2j = 2k+1 − 2.
- [D] Restate in a formal logical way:
- Every odd natural number is a square number.
(a) with quantifiers without an implication,
(b) with an implication (and with quantifiers if necessary).
(c) negate both statements and
(d) compare the negations.
Do the following problems.
- [E] In Homework Set 5 we defined "even" integers. How would you define "odd" integers? Explain why this is a good definition, or if you're not sure, why you have doubts.
- [F] For each of the following sets, find max A and min A, if possible. (See page 31.) You can use ordinary arithmetic freely to figure out what numbers are in the sets. The purpose of this question is to practice the concepts of minimum and maximum elements of a set.
- A = { (-1)0, (-1)1, (-1)2, (-1)3, ... }.
- A = { 10, 11, 12, 13, ... }.
- A = { 20, 21, 22, 23, ... }.
- A = { 20, 21, 22, 23, ... , 210 }.
- A = { (1/2)0, (1/2)1, (1/2)2, (1/2)3, ... }.
- A = { (1/2)0, (1/2)1, (1/2)2, (1/2)3, ... , (1/2)10 }.
- A = { x in Z : x has two different prime factors }.
- A = { x in Z : x3 < x }.
- A = { x in N : x3 < x }.
- [G] Write each of the sets in [F] as a sequence (aj). Don't forget to state the range of your index (i.e., subscript).
- [H] In each of [F] (ii, iv, v, ix), find three different upper bounds and three different lower bounds for the set, if possible. Which of your upper bounds is best? Why? The same for your lower bounds.
[Note that I renamed this problem "H" without changing anything.]
- [I] Prove that limn -> infinity (1/n)2 + (2/n) + 1 = 1.
- [J] Use propositions 10.16 & 10.11(ii)&(iii) to find the value of limn -> infinity (1/n)3 + (1/4n) - 15.
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"Where shall I begin?" he asked. "Begin at the beginning," the King said, "and stop when you get to the end."
—Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland