Links to Homework Sets: Set I | Set II | Set III | Set IV | Set V | Set VI | Set VII | Set VIII | Set IX | Set X | Set XI | Set XII | Set XIII | Set XIV
Due on Tues., 8/31:
Read Ch. 1 intro, Sect. 1.1, beginning of Sect. 1.2.
Do (for class discussion) Ch. 1, ## 1, 2, 3, 5, 10.
Due on Wed., 9/1:
Read Sect. 1.2.
Do (for discussion) Ch. 1, ## 2(again), 12, 14, 16, 17.
Continue to think about the problem of perfectly covering by dominoes a 3×5 board with the center square cut out.
Also, continue to study how the proof by coloring works, for proving that a 6×6 board cannot be perfectly covered by tetrominoes.
Due on Fri., 9/3:
Read Sect. 1.4, 1.6.
Do (for discussion) Ch. 1, ## 15, 22, 24, 38, and A1.
Hand in Mon., 9/13:
Ch. 1, ## 4(a), 7, 21, A2, A3.
Extra! Extra! Much more about magic squares in only 5 pages.
Due on Mon. 9/13:
Read Sect. 2.1-2.
Do (for discussion) Ch. 2, ## 2, 4(a).
Due on Tues. 9/14:
Do (for discussion) Ch. 2, ## 1, 3, 4(b), 5(a), 7, 8.
Due on Wed. 9/15:
Do (for discussion) Ch. 2, ## 6, 10.
Hand in Wed., 9/15:
Ch. 1, ## 8, 9.
Ch. 2, ## 4(c), 5(b), 9.
Here is an entire article on magic hexagons of order 3, if you want to read more about them.
Read Sects. 2.3-5.
(Reading part of Sect. 2.6 is recommended. It will not be tested. It may help you understand reasons for counting.)
Do for discussion on
Tues. 9/121: Ch. 2, ## 11, 13.
Wed. 9/22: Ch. 2, ## 16, 17, 19(a), 22.
Hand in Fri. 9/24: Ch. 2, ## 15, 19(b), 28.
Do for discussion on
Tues., 9/28: Ch. 2, ## 31, 34, 41, 60.
Wed., 9/29: Ch. 2, ## 39, 48, 63; Ch. 5, # 2.
Fri., 10/1: Ch. 2, # 50; Ch. 5, ## 1, 3.
Hand in Mon., 10/4 (changed):
Ch. 2, ## 40, 51, 64(a).
Do for discussion on
Mon., 10/4: Ch. 5, ## 1-3, 4-6, 7-8, 15, and especially B2.
Tues., 10/5: Ch. 5, ## 9, 16, 23, 39, and especially B3.
Wed., 10/6: Ch. 5, ## 18, 24. (Revised.)
Hand in Fri., 10/9: # B1 and Ch. 5, ## 10, 13, 25, 37.
Do for discussion on
Fri., 10/8: Ch. 5, # 14 (don't assume k ≤ r), also ## B1 (this is a hand-in; keep a copy of your proof when you submit it) and C1.
Mon., 10/11: Ch. 5, ## C2, C3, C4.
TEST I is on Tuesday, Oct. 12. It will cover everything we've done up to that time (Homeworks I-VI) except power series (in Sect. 5.5).
Read for Fri., 10/15: Sect. 6.1.
Read for Mon., 10/18: Sect. 6.2.
Do for discussion on
Tues., 10/19: Ch. 5, # 19; also Ch. 6, ## 1, 3, 4.
Wed., 10/20: Ch. 5, # 22; also Ch. 6, ## 7, 10, 11, and # D1.
Hand in Fri., 10/22: Ch. 5, # 20 (simplify your answer as far as you can); also Ch. 6, ## 5, 8, 17; also # D2.
Read for Fri., 10/22: Sect. 6.3. (For more on Stirling's approximation see the additions to textbook.)
Read for Mon., 10/25: Sects. 6.4, 7.0, 7.1 to the middle of page 210.
Do for discussion on
Tues., 10/26: Ch. 6, ## 12, 16, 24(a), 25, 30; Ch. 7, # 1(a); and ## E1, E3.
Wed., 10/27: Ch. 6, ## 14, 20, 24(b), 33 (see corrective note); Ch. 7, # 1(b); and ## E4, E5.
Hand in Fri., 10/29: Ch. 6, ## 21, 24(c), 29; Ch. 7, #3(a); and # E2.
Read for Fri., 10/29: Sects. 5.6 except p. 149 (this is the time to review it), 7.1-2.
Read for Mon., 11/1: Sect. 7.4.
Do for discussion on:
Tues. 11/2: # C2 (both parts); # F1(a,b,c); and Ch. 7, ## 1(c), 2, 3(b), 8, 13(a-c), 14(a-c), 17.
Wed. 11/3: # F1(d,e); and Ch. 7, ## 5, 6, 10, 11, 34 (changed: due today).
Hand in Fri. 11/5 Mon. 11/8 (changed):
Ch. 7, ## 1(d), 4, 13(d), 14(d,e), 33 (using g.f.); also ## C1(e), C3 (both parts), and # F2(b).
Read for Mon., 11/8: Sects. 7.5-6.
Do for discussion on:
Tues. 11/9: Ch. 7, ## 37, 43(both methods), 46 (by g.f.), 48(e), 50.
Wed. 11/10: Ch. 7, ## 41 (the diagonals here cannot meet at their endpoints), 52 (by g.f.), 53.
Hand in Fri. 11/12:
Ch. 7, ## 7 [Solution available!], 14(e) (now find a formula for hn), 48(c), 51; and # F3 (if you can do it).
Read for Fri., 11/12: Sect. 8.1.
Read for Mon., 11/15: Sect. 8.2 to the top of page 281.
Do for discussion on:
Tues. 11/16: Ch. 7, # 48(f); Ch. 8, # 3, 4(a), 6, 7; and G1, G2, G5.
Wed. 11/17: Ch. 8, ## 2, 4(b), 9, 10.
Hand in Fri. 11/19:
Ch. 7, # 48(e); Ch. 8, ## 1, 5, 8; and G3, G4, G6.
Read for Fri., 11/19: Sect. 8.2 (all).
Do for discussion on:
Fri. 11/19: Ch. 8, ## 11, 12(a,b,c), 17, 19(a).
Mon. 11/22: Any problems or questions you want to review, and Ch. 8, ## 12(d), 19(b).
TEST II is on Tuesday, Nov. 23. It will cover Homework Sets VII-XII.
Read for Mon. 11/29: Section 3.1.
Do for discussion on
Tues. 11/30: Ch. 3, ## 1, 4, 5, 7.
Wed. 12/1: Ch. 3, ## 2, 3, 9, 16 (see remark), 18, 26.
Hand in Fri. 12/3:
Ch. 3, ## 1 (for k = 23, 24), 6, 11, 15, and # H4.
Read for Mon., 12/6: Section 3.2.
Do for discussion on:
Tues. 12/7: Ch. 3, ## 8, 13, 14, 19(a), and ## H1, H2(a,b), H3(a,b).
Hand in Wed. 12/8: Ch. 3, ## 17, 19(b,c), and ## H1, H2(c), H3(c).