Math 386: Combinatorics: Announcements

Fall 2022
Tom Zaslavsky


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Test Grade Guidelines & Solutions

The letter grades are only to give you an idea of how well you're doing. I don't add letter grades. I add up your scores to get the total of test points.

Test 1 (10/24)

79-100 54-78 34-53 30-33 0-29
Here are

Test 2 (11/28)

75-100 60-74 42-59 37-41 0-36

Here are solutions.

Final Exam (12/12)

105-150 78-104 50-77 40-49 0-39

Quizzes and Solutions

A quiz question is graded out of 4 points (per part), like a homework problem.

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Corrections to the Textbook

Additions to the Textbook

  1. Definitions
    • C(n,k) := the number of k-combinations (k-element subsets) of an n-element set. (n, k are nonnegative integers.)
    • P(n,k) := the number of k-permutations (k-element ordered subsets) of an n-element set. (n, k are nonnegative integers.)
      Also, P(n) := P(n,n).
    • (n)k := n(n−1)(n−2)···(n−[k−1]) (with k factors). (k is a nonnegative integer and n is any number, variable, etc.)
        In particular, (n)0 := 1, since the product of no factors is defined as 1.
        Each (n)k is a polynomial of degree k; that is why n can be anything that can go into a polynomial.
    • Binomial coefficient (n over k) := (n)k/k!. (k is a nonnegative integer and n is any number, variable, etc.)
        This is different from the book's definition in Ch. 2, but in a later chapter Brualdi will change the definition to this one.
    • In a poset P, an interval [x,y] is defined as the set {z ∈ P : x ≤ z ≤ y}, i.e., the set of all elements between x and y, provided that x ≤ y. (This is just like an interval in the real line, but more general. We exclude the case where x is not ≤ y because then the set would be empty, and we don't want to call that an interval.)

  2. Terminology and Notation
    • Use the word unique correctly. In mathematics, "unique" means "only one". It never means "different". If you mean that, say "different" or "distinct". I deduct points for incorrect usage.
        (In ordinary English "unique" basically means "unlike all others", which is similar to the mathematical meaning.)
    • Equivalent and equal do not mean the same thing. They are not "equivalent", especially when we get to equivalence relations.
    • The book defines the notation a <c b to mean "a is covered by b". This c is not a variable, it is short for "cover". I will never use this notation.

  3. Additional Problems
    1. The points-and-lines problem of Day 1. We have a set of 6 "points", or in general n points. We want to choose "committees" (subsets, traditionally called "lines") so the following properties are satisfied.
      • (o) No two lines are the same set.
      • (a) Every line has at least two points.
      • (b) Each pair of points belongs to exactly one line together.
      • (c) Each pair of lines has exactly one point in common.

    2. (N.B. We omitted this on Day 2. It will reappear in §3.3.)
      The colored triangles problem of Day 2. We have a small party with n = 4 or 5 or 6 people. They all know each other and each pair either likes each other, or dislikes each other. There may be a triple that all like each other, and there may be a triple that all dislike each other.
      1. Is it possible there are no liking triples AND no disliking triples?
      2. Is it possible (by carefully choosing whom to invite) to avoid having BOTH a liking and a disliking triple?

    3. In Exercise 3.9:
      1. Can 10 be replaced by 9?
      2. Can 10 be replaced by 5?
      3. What is the smallest number that 10 can be replaced by?

    4. In Newton's binomial theorem for (1 − x)−1/2, simplify the binomial coefficients (−1/2 binom k) for k ≥ 0.
      1. Do very small values of k starting at 0.
      2. Then see if any pattern emerges; make a guess.
      3. Try to prove (or disprove) your guess.
      This is a good discussion problem; we'll share what you come up with.
    5. In Newton's binomial theorem for (1 − x)−2, simplify the binomial coefficients (−2 binom k) for k ≥ 0. Write out the full series with a general term, using your simplification.

    6. Permutation patterns. Think of a permutation (a1, a2, ..., an) of {1, 2, ..., n} as the sequence of points (1,a1), (2,a2), ..., (n,an) in the xy-plane. Thus, ai is the height of the i-th point. Each point is lower than some and higher than others; no two have the same height because all heights ai are distinct numbers.
        A pattern shows relative heights of a subsequence of the permutation. For example, the pattern 132 means a subsequence whose second point is higher than the first, and whose third point is higher than the first but lower than the second. In the permutation 21534 (where n = 5), the subsequences 253, 254, 153, 154 are examples of the pattern 132, but 134 is not.

    7. Find all permutations of {1, 2, ..., n} that exclude the pattern 123, for n = 3, 4, 5. Do you see a system?
    8. For each n ≥ 3, find all permutations of {1, 2, ..., n} that exclude both the patterns 132 and 123. Hint: Start with n = 3 and 4. Then do n = 5. Do you see a system (it may not be easy)? If not, try n = 6; that can help.

    9. Prove Lemma. Assume n > r > 0. The Fibonacci numbers satisfy fn = fr+1fn−r + frfn−r−1. (This lemma is helpful for Ch. 7, ## 6, 7.)

    10. A problem in circle geometry related to §8.4.
      Draw a circle (it need not be perfect) and draw n points on it (not equally spaced). Draw all the chords (straight line segments) connecting the n points. Let hn = the number of regions the chords cut the disk into.
      • Compute h1 – oh, that's trivial. You get one region: h1 = 1.
      • Compute h2 by making the drawing with 2 points. You should get h2 = 2.
      • Compute hn for n = 3, 4, 5. Do you see a pattern and guess a formula?
      • Now test your guess against h6. How is the guess doing?
      • If you compute h7, can you refine your guess?

      Submit your results in class for discussion. (I'm not collecting written results.)
      • What values did you get for hn (for the n's you did)?
      • What were your guesses for a formula?
      • Did you come to any conclusion about a formula?
      • Did you compare with the formula for hn(k) in §8.4? Does that help? Is there a value of k for which our hn = his hn(k)? (You can test this by comparing values for small n's. That's often how new math discoveries are made.)
        I'm not saying you will find equality; not saying you won't.

    11. Simple Möbius functions (for experience).
      1. Find μ(x,y) for every pair x, y ∈ {1, 2, 3, ...} such that x ≤ y in the ordinary ordering of real numbers. There are infinitely many such pairs, but after computing a few examples you should see a simple pattern.
      2. Define Ln to be the poset {0, a1, a2, ..., an, 1} with the partial order relation determined by the following cover relations:
                0 < a1, a2, ..., an,
                a1, a2, ..., an < 1
        (therefore 0 < 1, by transitivity).
        Draw the Hasse diagram and calculate the Möbius function μ(0,1) for Ln with n = 2, 3, 4, ... until you see a general formula.
      3. Define Mn to be the poset {0, a1, a2, ..., an, A, b1, b2, 1} with the partial order relation determined by the following cover relations:
                0 < a1, a2, ..., an,
                a1, a2, ..., an < A < 1,
                0 < b1, b2 < 1.
        (Don't forget to extend the cover relations to the full partial ordering using transitivity!)
        Draw the Hasse diagram and calculate the Möbius function μ(0,1) for Mn with n = 2, 3, 4, ... until you see a general formula.

  4. Supplements, Explanations, Hints

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