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The letter grades are only to give you an idea of how well you're doing. I don't add letter grades. I add up your scores to get the total of test points.
A | B | C | D | F |
79-100 | 54-78 | 34-53 | 30-33 | 0-29 |
A | B | C | D | F |
75-100 | 60-74 | 42-59 | 37-41 | 0-36 |
A | B | C | D | F |
105-150 | 78-104 | 50-77 | 40-49 | 0-39 |
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To the main class page | the schedule page | my home page.
Corrections to the Textbook
(See below, "infinite p.o. set", for why an infinite p.o. set is relevant.)
Also, the notation Cn should be Rn.
Additions to the Textbook
Also, P(n) := P(n,n).
In particular, (n)0 := 1, since the product of no factors is defined as 1.
Each (n)k is a polynomial of degree k; that is why n can be anything that can go into a polynomial.
This is different from the book's definition in Ch. 2, but in a later chapter Brualdi will change the definition to this one.
(In ordinary English "unique" basically means "unlike all others", which is similar to the mathematical meaning.)
The colored triangles problem of Day 2. We have a small party with n = 4 or 5 or 6 people. They all know each other and each pair either likes each other, or dislikes each other. There may be a triple that all like each other, and there may be a triple that all dislike each other.
This is a good discussion problem; we'll share what you come up with.
Draw a circle (it need not be perfect) and draw n points on it (not equally spaced). Draw all the chords (straight line segments) connecting the n points. Let hn = the number of regions the chords cut the disk into.
Submit your results in class for discussion. (I'm not collecting written results.)
I'm not saying you will find equality; not saying you won't.
0 < a1, a2, ..., an,
a1, a2, ..., an < 1
(therefore 0 < 1, by transitivity).
Draw the Hasse diagram and calculate the Möbius function μ(0,1) for Ln with n = 2, 3, 4, ... until you see a general formula.
0 < a1, a2, ..., an,
a1, a2, ..., an < A < 1,
0 < b1, b2 < 1.
(Don't forget to extend the cover relations to the full partial ordering using transitivity!)
Draw the Hasse diagram and calculate the Möbius function μ(0,1) for Mn with n = 2, 3, 4, ... until you see a general formula.
Hint #1: How do you describe a combination of a multiset? Think "submultiset". How do you describe a submultiset? Think "repetition numbers".
Hint #2. You can do the problem directly, or you can see it as a continuation of Ch. 4, ##38–40.
Hint #3. I always say, try a small example first. What's a small example here? k = 1 and k = 2 seem like good small examples.
Example: If the characteristic equation has roots 1 (once) and −2 (3 times), then the homogeneous general solution is
a11n + a2(−2)n + a3n(−2)n + a4n2(−2)n.
You remember 1 with multiplicity s=1 and −2 with multiplicity s=3.
Example (continued): If the non-homogeneous part is n + 3·2n − 4n·(−4)n + 7·(−4)n, then you have 1n with coefficient polynomial of degree 1, 2n with coefficient polynomial of degree 0, and (−4)n with coefficient polynomial −4n+7 of degree 1. Remember the numbers e=1 for q=1, e=0 for q=2, e=1 for q=−4.
Example (continued): We had 1 with s = 1 (Step 1) and e = 2 (Step 2), totalling 3, so we form a linear combination of n·1n=n, n2·1n=n2;
also (from Step 2) 2n; also (from Step 2) (−4)n, n·(−4)n. That will be
c1n + c2n2 + c32n + c4(−4)n + c5n·(−4)n.
You will never see such a big example in the course. It's big in order to illustrate all the possible aspects. Our problems will be much smaller.
hn = a11n + a2(−2)n + a3n(−2)n + a4n2(−2)n + Hn.
Use the initial conditions to get the values of the unknown coefficients a1, etc.