Course Material for Math 454
Stochastic Calculus for Finance II - Continuous Time Models
by Steven Shreve
(Springer, 2004; ISBN 978-0-387-40101-0)
(the "SCF2 text", also just "SCF2")
I will strive to teach major portions of ch.1 through 6 from that book.
Math 454 - Additional Material (lecture notes for the BU Math 454 course)
by Michael Fochler, your instructor
(the "MF454 notes" or simply "MF454").
This document is work in progress and will be modified as
the course unfolds.
Almost all of the material in chapters 2 and 3
of this version is a straight copy from my Math 330
version 2020-11-28 lecture notes
(see below).
Most of ch. 4 (Basic Measure and Probability Theory) you will
find neither there nor in the Shreve text, so you should Study that material.
Older editions of the document will eventually be deleted.
You can find them posted in reverse chronological order in this table:
2025-01-26 version
Fixed some errors
2025-01-17 version
Major rewrite of Ch.7, removal of Ch.8 (Financial Models - Part 1 OLD),
lots of typos corrected in all chapters.
Ch.1-6 are stable. The remaining ones might undergo substantial changes.
2024-11-24 version
This is the first version of my Spring 2025 lecture notes for this course.
There will be major corrections, some additions, and a reorganization
of some of the material.
At least one more release will be forthcoming before the start of the semester,
so you are advised not to print any hardcopies yet!
Optional References:
Brownian Motion Calculus
by Ubbo F. Wiersema
(Wiley, 2008)
Stochastic Calculus for Finance I -
The Binomial Asset Pricing Model
by Steven Shreve
(Springer, 2004)
If you have some background in measure theoretical probability theory:
Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications
by Bernt Oksendal
(Springer, 6th edition, 2003)
Remedial Math: Probability Theory
Lecture Notes for Math 447 - Probability,
by Michael Fochler
(the "MF447 notes" or simply "MF447").
Review the following:
ch.2-5, ch.11.7.
ch.11 (except for ch.11.2.2 and 11.2.3).
Here is a link to the
2024-11-24 version
It is the latest version for the Fall 2024 semester.
For newer versions of the Math 447 lecture notes check my
of all my lectures.
Remedial Math: Sets, functions, equivalence relations, convergence
and continuity, ...
The Art of Proof: Basic Training For Deeper Mathematics,
by M. Beck and R. Geoghegan (Springer, 2010).
You should review:
chapters 5, 6.1, 9.1
Math 330 - Additional Material (lecture notes for the BU Math 330 course)
by Michael Fochler
(the "MF330 notes" or simply "MF330").
Review the following:
ch. 2.1-2.3, ch.5, ch.8.1, 8.3, 8.4, ch.9.3,
ch.11 (except for ch. 11.2.2 and 11.2.3).
Here is a link to the
2024-11-25 version
It is the latest version for the Fall 2024 semester.
For newer versions of the Math 330 lecture notes check my
of all my lectures.
Additional Links
The list below is likely to grow as the semester progresses.
Solutions for selected quiz and exam problems:
Quiz 01
(quiz 1 solutions added on Jan 28)