Bibliography, Erik Kjær Pedersen
- (with I. Hambleton) "Topological Equivalence of linear
representations for cyclic groups: I"
Ann. of Math. (2. ser.), 161, (2005), 61-104.
- (with K. Andersen, T. Bauer, and J. Grodal)
"A finite loop space not rationally equivalent
to a compact Lie group"
Invent. Math. 157 (2004), 1-10.
- (with N. Kitchloo, T. Bauer and D. Notbohm) "Finite Loop Spaces
are Manifolds"
Acta Mathematicae, 192 (2004), 5-31.
- (with F. Quinn and A. Ranicki),
"Controlled Surgery with trivial local
Fundamental Groups" in High dimensional manifold Topology,
Proceedings of the conference, ICTP, 2004, 421-426.
- "The Surgery exact sequence revisited " in High-dimensional
Manifold Topology, Proceedings of the conference, ICTP, 2004, 416-420.
- (with I. Hambleton) "Identifying Assembly
Maps in K- and L-Theory" , Math. Ann. 328,
(2004) 27-57.
- "Controlled
Methods in
Equivariant Topology, a Survey"
Current Trends in Transformation Groups, edited by A. Bak, M. Morimoto and
F. Ushitaki Kluwer Academic Publishers, K-Monographs in Mathematics Volume 7,
- "Controlled Algebraic
K-theory, a survey"
Geometry and Topology: Aarhus, Contemp. Math. Vol 258, (2000) 351-369.
- (with I. Hambleton) "Compactifying infinite
group actions"
Geometry and Topology: Aarhus, Contemp. Math. Vol 258, (2000) 203-212.
- "Continuously Controlled
Surgery Theory"
Surveys on Surgery Theory Volume I
Annals of Math studies 145, (2000) 307-322.
- (with G. Carlsson)
" Cech homology and the Novikov
conjectures for K- and L-theory"
, Math. Scand. 82 (1998), 5-47.
- (with G. Carlsson and W. Vogell)
" Continuously
controlled algebraic K- theory of
spaces and the
Novikov conjecture", Math. Ann. 310, (1998) 169-182.
- (with M. Cárdenas) "On the
Karoubi filtration of a category",
K-theory 12, (1997) 165-191.
- (with N. Higson and J. Roe) "C*-algebras
and controlled topology", K-theory 11,
(1997) 209-239.
- "Controlled
Algebra and Topology",
Surgery and Geometric Topology (Sakado 1996). Sci. Bull. Josai Univ. 1997
, Special issue no. 2, 91-95
- (with I. Hambleton) "Non-linear
Similarity revisited"
Prospects in Topology: Proceedings of
a conference in honor of William Browder,
Annals of Math studies 138, (1995) 157-174.
- (with J. Roe and S. Weinberger)
"On the homotopy invariance of
boundedly controlled signature of a manifold over an open cone",
Proceedings 1993 Oberwolfach Conference on the Novikov
Conjectures, Rigidity and Index Theorems Vol. 2 , L.M.S. Lecture Notes,
vol. 227, Cambridge University Press, (1995) 285-300.
and continuous control",
Proceedings 1993 Oberwolfach Conference on the Novikov
Conjectures, Rigidity and Index Theorems Vol. 2, L.M.S. Lecture Notes, vol. 227, Cambridge
University Press, (1995) 277-284.
- (with S. Ferry) "Epsilon
surgery Theory",
Proceedings 1993 Oberwolfach Conference on the Novikov
Conjectures, Rigidity and Index Theorems Vol. 2, L.M.S. Lecture Notes, vol. 227, Cambridge
University Press, (1995) 167-226.
- (with G. Carlsson), "Controlled
Algebra and
the Novikov Conjectures in K- and L-theory",
Topology 34 (1995) 731-758.
- (with D. R. Anderson, F. Connolly, and S. C. Ferry) "Algebraic
K-theory with continuous control at infinity", J. Pure Appl. Algebra 94
(1994) 25-47.
- (with S. C. Ferry and I. Hambleton), "A Survey
of Bounded
Surgery Theory and Applications",
Algebraic Topology and
Applications, Proceedings of MSRI conference 1990, (1994) Springer-Verlag,
New York, 105-126.
- (with I. Hambleton), "Bounded surgery theory
and dihedral group actions on spheres",
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 4, (1991) 105-126.
- (with S. C. Ferry and P. Vogel), "On complements
of codimension 3 embeddings in S^n",
Topology and its Applications, 31 (1989), 197-202.
- (with S. C. Ferry), "Some Mildly Wild Circles in S^n Arising from Algebraic K-theory"
, K-theory 4 (1991) 479-499.
- (with C. A. Weibel), "K-theory
homology of spaces",
Algebraic Topology, Proceedings Arcata 1986, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1370,
Springer Verlag, Berlin-New York, (1989) 341-361.
- "Topological H_0xH_1-actions
on spheres and linking numbers",
Algebraic topology Göttingen 1984,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1172,Springer Verlag, Berlin-New York,
(1984) 163-166.
- "On the bounded and
thin h-cobordism
theorem parameterized by R^k"
, Transformation Groups, Poznan 1985, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1217,
Springer Verlag, Berlin-New York, (1986) 306-320.
- (with J. Ewing and P. Löffler),"A
rational torsion invariant"
, Proc. of the Amer. Math. Soc. Vol 102,3 (1988) 731-736.
- (with J. Ewing and P. Löffler), "A local approach to the
finiteness obstruction" , Quart. J. of Math, Oxford Ser. (2) 39
(1988), 443-462.
- (with C. A. Weibel),"A nonconnective
of algebraic K-theory",
Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Proceedings Rutgers
1983, Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 1126, Springer Verlag, Berlin-New York, (1984) 166-181.
- "K_-i-invariants
of chain complexes",
Topology, Proceedings Leningrad 1982,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1060, Springer Verlag, Berlin-New York,
(1984) 174-186.
- (with D. R. Anderson), "Semifree topological actions of finite groups
on spheres", Algebraic Topology Aarhus 1982, Proceedings,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1051 , Springer
Verlag, Berlin-New York, (1984) 540-557.
- (with D. R. Anderson), "Semifree topological actions of finite
groups on spheres", Math. Ann. 265 (1983), 23-44.
- "On
the K_-i-functors",
J. of Algebra. 90 (1984), 461-475.
- (with H. J. Munkholm), "The S^ 1-transfer in surgery theory",
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 280 (1983), 277-302.
- (with H. J. Munkholm), "Transfers in Algebraic K- and L-theory
induced by S^ 1-bundles", Current trends in Algebraic Topology,
CMS Conference Proceedings, Vol.2, Part II, 451-460.
- "Geometrically
defined transfers, comparisons", Math.Z. 180
(1982), 535-544.
- (with H. J. Munkholm), "Whitehead transfers for S^1-bundles, an algebraic description"
, Comment. Math. Helv. 56 (1981), 404-430.
- "Universal geometric examples
for transfer Maps in Algebraic K-
and L-theory", J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra 22
(1981), 179-192.
- (with N. Ray), "A fibration
for Diff(\Sigma^n)" ,
Topology Symposium Siegen 1979, Lecture Notes in
Mathematics 788, Springer Verlag, Berlin-New York, 165-171.
- (with A. A. Ranicki), "Projective
surgery theory",
Topology 19 (1980), 239-254.
- (with H. J. Munkholm), "On the Wall finitenessi obstruction for some fibrations",
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 261 (1980), 529-545.
"Smoothing H-spaces II",
Math. Scand. 46 (1980), 216-222.
"Smoothing of H-spaces",
Math. Scand. 43 (1978), 185-196.
"Smoothings of H-spaces",
Proc. of Symp. in Pure Math., Vol.
XXXII Part 2, 215-216.
- (with L. R. Taylor), "The Wall finiteness
obstruction for a fibration",
Amer. J. Math. 100 (1978), 887-896.
- "Regular neighborhoods
in topological manifolds",
Mich. J. Math. 24 (1977), 177-183.
"Topological concordances",
Invent. Math. 38 (1977), 255-267.
- "The
topological category",
appendix, in Groups of automorphisms of manifold by D. Burghelea, R. Lashof
and M. Rothenberg, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 473, Springer Verlag,
Berlin-New York, (1975) 142-152.
- "Spines
of topological manifolds",
Comment. Math. Helv. 50 (1975), 41-44.
- "Embeddings
of topological manifolds",
Illinois J. Math. 19 (1975), 440-447.
"Topological concordances",
Bull. AMS 80 (1974), 658-660.
- (with L. Kristensen), "The A-module
structure for the cohomology of two-stage spaces",
Math. Scand. 30 (1972), 95-106.